Package it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.util
This package provides implementations of some succinct techniques for the storage of static
lists. The main ingredient is the Elias–Fano representation of monotone sequences. For
monotone sequences, such as file pointers, an
is the obvious choice. For general
sequences, you can either use an EliasFanoPrefixSumLongBigList
which stores the sequence using its prefix sums, or an
. The former is faster and provides also
prefix sums, but the latter provides a better compression ratio if the values stored are skewed
towards small values. EliasFanoIndexedMonotoneLongBigList
provides content-based addressing methods.
is a memory-mapped version of
ClassesClassDescriptionAn extension of
providing indexing (i.e., content-based addressing).A compressed big list of longs; each element occupies a number of bits bounded by one plus its bit length plus the logarithm of the average bit length of an element.An implementation of Elias–Fano's representation of monotone sequences identical toEliasFanoMonotoneLongBigList
, but slightly slower and without size limitations.An implementation of Elias–Fano's representation of monotone sequences; an element occupies a number of bits bounded by two plus the logarithm of the average gap.Deprecated.A compressed big list of longs providing prefix sums; an element occupies a number of bits bounded by two plus the logarithm of the average value.A memory-mapped implementation ofEliasFanoMonotoneLongBigList
.A string map based on a signed function.A compressed big list of longs; small elements and large elements are stored separately, using two different, optimally chosen bit sizes.ZFastTrie<T>A z-fast trie, that is, a predecessor/successor data structure using low linear (in the number of keys) additional space and answering to the query string x in time |x|/w + log(max{|x|, |x-|, |x+|}) with high probability, where w is the machine word size, and x-/x+ are the predecessor/successor of x in the currently stored set, respectively.A linear-probing hash map that compares keys using signatures as a first try.A internal node.An external node, a.k.a. leaf.A node of the trie.